TalkTogether Ethics Training Course

Research Integrity & Ethics for Child Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Research Ethics Training Course

November 2020 - present

About the course

A vignette-based course for researchers who are conducting child research in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) covering research integrity and ethics principles and practices, with a focus on high scientific integrity and adequate consideration of legal, academic, and social responsibilities when doing research with children.

Course objectives
  • Prepare participants for data collection conducted in home, school, and community settings

  • Develop essential knowledge of research integrity

  • Become aware of ethical considerations in studies involving children in LMICs

  • Discuss instances of ethical breaches and dilemmas, how to avoid them, and what to do when they do occur   

Course content

The course has three major parts. The first covers definitions, guidelines, and applications of key concepts related to research integrity, research misconduct, and equitable international collaborations. The second part introduces key principles of human research ethics protocols and data protection as embedded within the research process of planning and implementing a study and processing its data. The third part is a group discussion around case vignettes that describe ethical breaches and dilemmas in the context of research with children living in low- and middle-income countries.

Course delivery

The course is delivered using asynchronous tutorials supported by quizzes and readings and synchronous case discussions, all of which focus on how to ensure children participating in research are treated with respect for their autonomy, privacy, and dignity from the point of recruitment to their exit from the study.

Course outcomes
  • The course updates participants’ knowledge of current standards in research integrity & ethics (e.g. ethics dumping).
  • The course informs participants on how to ensure the highest standards of data privacy with regards to personal data, storage of research data, and handling of data breaches.
  • The course allows participants to reflect on ethical dilemmas and challenges that they have encountered in the past.
TalkTogether researchers in action

TalkTogether researchers in India, Philippines, and Oxford

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Dr Sonali Nag

University of Oxford
TalkTogether Principal Investigator

Prof Alis Oancea

University of Oxford
TalkTogether Co-Investigator

Dr Katrina May Dulay

University of Oxford
Research Officer

Yousef Khalifa Aleghfeli

University of Oxford
DPhil Student

The Course In Numbers

people 309098
6 batches with x participants from India, the Philippines, and Oxford
x junior researchers
15 faculty members
4 NGO staff


I would like to send a big thank you for the Round Table extended invite. I found the conference very insightful, well-grounded research studies and a warm lovely welcome and responses from the various researchers. You and your team have encouraged me to do more better in putting in hours and to continuously read deeper beyond the surface of the iceberg.

Nombuyiselo Caroline Zondi; Stellenbosch University-Faculty of Education; PhD candidate; South Africa


It was a pleasure to attend this event and I am amazed with the amount and quality of works done by your team. This round table has been very inspiring and informative. Credits go to you and your team.

Dr Hui Min Low, Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia