2021 Corpus Roundtable Talks by Topic

Child Directed Print Corpora: Understanding the Resource
Virtual Roundtable
30th June, 1st July, 2nd July 2021
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Behavioural Research
Morphology and the development of orthography-meaning links: A large scale corpus study of children's books
Day 1 | Duration: 24:05 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Nicola Dawson, University of Oxford
Description: This panel talk presents the analysis of morphologically complex words in the Oxford Children's Corpus, a large-scale collection of children's reading materials in English, and examines how their occurrence varies by target age and genre. The talk considers the potential of corpus data as a research tool and to inform reading experiments.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Children's acquisition of symmetrical voice language: Evidence from comprehension and production experiments in Tagalog
Day 2 | Duration: 18:36 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, Filipino
Speaker: Rowena Garcia, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen
Description: The talk presents a series of studies that examined how Filipino children acquire the ability to mark who did what to whom in sentences, i.e., thematic role assignment. Studies include a speech corpus analysis, eyetracking experiment, and a sentence completion experiment and potential developmental patterns are presented.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Which word properties are related to age-of-acquisition ratings in Kannada and Filipino?
Day 2 | Duration: 10:11 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Behavioural Research, Kannada, Filipino, TalkTogether
Speakers: Katrina May Dulay, University of Oxford; Deekshitha Kotian, The Promise Foundation; Margaret Mary Rosary Carmel Fua & Marie Grace Reoperez, University of the Philippines
Description: How can age-of-acquisition studies provide a window to understand the course of children's language development? The TalkTogether team shares key ideas and design features of its age-of-acquisition studies in Kannada and Filipino, as well as linguistic and practical challenges faced in word selection and study implementation.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Reading the mind: Fiction reading supports emotion recognition
Day 2 | Duration: 19:39 | Tags: Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Steven Schwering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Description: This talk considers how reading supports emotion recognition with three adult-focused studies: an American English corpus analysis that examined how simple and complex emotion words are used in fiction and two experiments that investigated if reading predicts adults' ability to accurately recognize emotions in facial expressions.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Folk-Inspired Kannada Intervention: The Promise Audio Corpus
Day 3 | Duration: 16:07 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, Kannada, TalkTogether
Speaker: Shriya Kuchibhotla & Gideon Arulmani, The Promise Foundation
Description: The TalkTogether team describes the collation of folk audio materials from Karnataka, India, forming the Promise Audio Library. The collated material has been used to develop language games and lessons for a home intervention programme. The presentation covers a description of the audio corpus, the structure of the folk-based intervention, and results of a pre-pilot for the home programme.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Child-directed text corpora: A great start
Day 3 | Duration: 25:49 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Language & Print Exposure, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Jessica Montag, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Description: This panel presentation presents shared book reading as a complex activity that involves engaging with both the text in the book and the conversations generated whilst reading together. Early findings from audio recordings of shared book reading among families reveal variations in the conversations elicited by different books, opening up new questions about the links between written and spoken language.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

DISCUSSANT TALK: Reading in social context and the notion of "place"
Day 3 | Duration: 13:56 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Shelley Stagg Peterson, University of Toronto
Description: Discussant Shelley Stagg Peterson pinpoints a shared theme of "place" across Day 3 talks before introducing the NOW Play Project, which involves working with teachers in rural and indigenous classrooms in Canada to understand children's language in the context of play.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Corpus Building & Analysis
Cross-linguistic lexical properties of child-directed print corpus: Implications for Filipino and Kannada assessments
Day 1 | Duration: 18:14 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Kannada, Filipino, TalkTogether
Speaker: Sunila John, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Description: This talk presents an overview of the TalkTogether child-directed print corpora and describes the variety of language found in Kannada and Filipino children's books. The talk considers the potential of books as a source of rich language experience.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Implications of morphological awareness for Filipino language and literacy assessment
Day 1 | Duration: 19:13 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Filipino, TalkTogether
Speakers: Mary Ann Bacolod, Jem Javier, and Portia Padilla, University of the Philippines
Description: The TalkTogether team examines the role that morphology plays in Filipino by analysing the frequency and characteristics of affixes found in children's books. The team argues for the consideration of morphology in the development of Filipino language and literacy assessments.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Structural properties of child-directed print corpus in Kannada: Implications for child language assessments
Day 1 | Duration: 18:39 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Kannada, TalkTogether
Speakers: Shivani Tiwari, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Description: The TalkTogether team presents its analysis of the Kannada child-directed print corpus through the description of word tokens by their structural and morphological properties, including affixes. Implications on the selection of items for Kannada language and literacy assessments based on children's books are considered.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Research and applications of Malay Language Word Corpus
Day 1 | Duration: 26:01 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Malay
Speaker: Hui Min Low, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Description: This panel presentation concerns the design and development of MyBaca, a Malay Language Word Corpus that was based on reading materials used by students in primary schools, and describes how the corpus was used to develop literacy assessments and intervention in Malay.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Morphology and the development of orthography-meaning links: A large scale corpus study of children's books
Day 1 | Duration: 24:05 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Nicola Dawson, University of Oxford
Description: This panel talk presents the analysis of morphologically complex words in the Oxford Children's Corpus, a large-scale collection of children's reading materials in English, and examines how their occurrence varies by target age and genre. The talk considers the potential of corpus data as a research tool and to inform reading experiments.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

DISCUSSANT REMARKS: On building theoretical models beyond English
Day 1 | Duration: 18:10 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Corpus Building & Analysis
Speaker: Rauno Parrila, Macquarie University
Description: Discussant Rauno Parrila delivers key points related to the Day 1 presentations; namely: what crosslinguistic studies offer for research in reading development, what materials corpora should be based on, the differences between oral and written language, and issues of theorising about morphology and reading and how to communicate this effectively to the research field.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

The development of complex syntax in children's reading and writing
Day 2 | Duration: 14:02 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Yaling Hsiao, University of Oxford
Description: The talk covers two studies that examine the complexity of word and sentence structures in texts written for and by children across multiple English corpora including the CHILDES, a self-compiled picture book corpus, the Oxford Children's Corpus, and BBC 500 Words Competition, and identifies variations between books and child-directed speech.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Children's acquisition of symmetrical voice language: Evidence from comprehension and production experiments in Tagalog
Day 2 | Duration: 18:36 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, Filipino
Speaker: Rowena Garcia, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen
Description: The talk presents a series of studies that examined how Filipino children acquire the ability to mark who did what to whom in sentences, i.e., thematic role assignment. Studies include a speech corpus analysis, eyetracking experiment, and a sentence completion experiment and potential developmental patterns are presented.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Reading the mind: Fiction reading supports emotion recognition
Day 2 | Duration: 19:39 | Tags: Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Steven Schwering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Description: This talk considers how reading supports emotion recognition with three adult-focused studies: an American English corpus analysis that examined how simple and complex emotion words are used in fiction and two experiments that investigated if reading predicts adults' ability to accurately recognize emotions in facial expressions.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Writing vs. Speaking: How production goals influence language, with implications for corpus analysis
Day 2 | Duration: 27:35 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Maryellen MacDonald, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Description: This panel presentation addresses how the goals of producing speech and text differ, thereby resulting in differences between child-directed text and speech, discusses what children can learn systematically from texts, and considers implications for corpus analyses.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Learning, processing and reading development: lessons and explorations from corpus explorations
Day 2 | Duration: 26:04 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Kate Nation, University of Oxford
Description: This panel presentation describes what reading experience provides and the mechanisms that drive children's learning, how book language compares with language encountered in everyday speech, and how word learning is shaped by opportunities to encounter words in a variety of contexts.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Folk-Inspired Kannada Intervention: The Promise Audio Corpus
Day 3 | Duration: 16:07 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, Kannada, TalkTogether
Speaker: Shriya Kuchibhotla & Gideon Arulmani, The Promise Foundation
Description: The TalkTogether team describes the collation of folk audio materials from Karnataka, India, forming the Promise Audio Library. The collated material has been used to develop language games and lessons for a home intervention programme. The presentation covers a description of the audio corpus, the structure of the folk-based intervention, and results of a pre-pilot for the home programme.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Of heights and limits: A children’s book levelling experience
Day 3 | Duration: 19:25 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Kannada, Filipino, TalkTogether
Speaker: Portia Padilla, University of the Philippines
Description: The TalkTogether team presents the development of a book levelling protocol which aims to standardize ratings across multiple publishers of Filipino and Kannada books. The team outlines the guidelines and exclusion criteria of the levelling tool and considers both the potential and limits of using qualitative expert ratings to match books with children's language and literacy levels at 3 to 10 years old.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Readers and text complexity: an emerging framework for assessment
Day 3 | Duration: 16:29 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Filipino, TalkTogether
Speakers: Leonor Diaz, Margaret Mary Rosary Carmel Fua, & Kathrina Lucasan, University of the Philippines
Description: The Education Research Program (ERP) presents the various tools and programmes developed to address low levels of reading achievement in the Philippines, including a test battery (MLAF), a linguistic analyser (SukatWika), and a text complexity framework that seeks to identify appropriate reading materials for kindergarten to Grade 12 students based on a quantitative and qualitative assessment of texts.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Child-directed text corpora: A great start
Day 3 | Duration: 25:49 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Language & Print Exposure, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Jessica Montag, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Description: This panel presentation presents shared book reading as a complex activity that involves engaging with both the text in the book and the conversations generated whilst reading together. Early findings from audio recordings of shared book reading among families reveal variations in the conversations elicited by different books, opening up new questions about the links between written and spoken language.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

The spontaneous spoken language of Filipino preschool children
Day 3 | Duration: 21:42 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Language & Print Exposure, Filipino
Speaker: Jocelyn Marzan, University of the Philippines
Description: This panel presentation profiles the quantity and features of language exposure and spontaneous speech from six Filipino children aged 5 years old and younger. Speech heard and uttered by children are described in terms of word-level, sentence-level, and pragmatic properties. Recommendations for word types and properties to incorporate in Filipino language assessment and instruction are outlined.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Language & Print Exposure
Reading the mind: Fiction reading supports emotion recognition
Day 2 | Duration: 19:39 | Tags: Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Steven Schwering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Description: This talk considers how reading supports emotion recognition with three adult-focused studies: an American English corpus analysis that examined how simple and complex emotion words are used in fiction and two experiments that investigated if reading predicts adults' ability to accurately recognize emotions in facial expressions.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Writing vs. Speaking: How production goals influence language, with implications for corpus analysis
Day 2 | Duration: 27:35 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Maryellen MacDonald, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Description: This panel presentation addresses how the goals of producing speech and text differ, thereby resulting in differences between child-directed text and speech, discusses what children can learn systematically from texts, and considers implications for corpus analyses.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Learning, processing and reading development: lessons and explorations from corpus explorations
Day 2 | Duration: 26:04 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Kate Nation, University of Oxford
Description: This panel presentation describes what reading experience provides and the mechanisms that drive children's learning, how book language compares with language encountered in everyday speech, and how word learning is shaped by opportunities to encounter words in a variety of contexts.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

DISCUSSION: Are oral and written language really different?
Day 2 | Duration: 9:31 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure
Speakers: Elena Lieven, University of Manchester; Maryellen MacDonald, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kate Nation, University of Oxford
Description: Discussant Elena Lieven reflects on Day 2 talks and argues that there is no total separation between reading and oral language, recommends the use of intervention studies to test proposed mechanisms of language learning, and invites a consideration of broader contexts and children's socialization into reading. Panelists Maryellen MacDonald and Kate Nation concur with the points raised and offer further reflections.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Q&A: On emotion language, lexical quality, and the modality of text experience
Day 2 | Duration: 9:31 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure
Speakers: Elena Lieven, University of Manchester; Maryellen MacDonald, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kate Nation, University of Oxford; Jelena Mirkovic, York St. John University
Description: Discussant Elena Lieven and panelists Maryellen MacDonald and Kate Nation address audience questions about how emotions are conveyed in language, the quality of word representations when word forms vary, and the benefits of audiobooks over podcasts in terms of the quality of language experience.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Child-directed text corpora: A great start
Day 3 | Duration: 25:49 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Language & Print Exposure, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Jessica Montag, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Description: This panel presentation presents shared book reading as a complex activity that involves engaging with both the text in the book and the conversations generated whilst reading together. Early findings from audio recordings of shared book reading among families reveal variations in the conversations elicited by different books, opening up new questions about the links between written and spoken language.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

The spontaneous spoken language of Filipino preschool children
Day 3 | Duration: 21:42 | Tags: Corpus Building & Analysis, Language & Print Exposure, Filipino
Speaker: Jocelyn Marzan, University of the Philippines
Description: This panel presentation profiles the quantity and features of language exposure and spontaneous speech from six Filipino children aged 5 years old and younger. Speech heard and uttered by children are described in terms of word-level, sentence-level, and pragmatic properties. Recommendations for word types and properties to incorporate in Filipino language assessment and instruction are outlined.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

DISCUSSANT TALK: Reading in social context and the notion of "place"
Day 3 | Duration: 13:56 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Shelley Stagg Peterson, University of Toronto
Description: Discussant Shelley Stagg Peterson pinpoints a shared theme of "place" across Day 3 talks before introducing the NOW Play Project, which involves working with teachers in rural and indigenous classrooms in Canada to understand children's language in the context of play.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

More on "place", going beyond words, and collaborating with teachers
Day 3 | Duration: 13:28 | Topics: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure
Speakers: Shelley Stagg Peterson, University of Toronto; Jocelyn Marzan, Portia Padilla, & Dina Ocampo, University of the Philippines; Shriya Kuchibhotla, The Promise Foundation
Description: Following Shelley Stagg Peterson's discussant presentation, roundtable attendees reflect on the contexts of linguistic interactions, its non-verbal aspects, its connections with identity and community, and the experience of working with teachers as research collaborators.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Implications of morphological awareness for Filipino language and literacy assessment
Day 1 | Duration: 19:13 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Filipino, TalkTogether
Speakers: Mary Ann Bacolod, Jem Javier, and Portia Padilla, University of the Philippines
Description: The TalkTogether team examines the role that morphology plays in Filipino by analysing the frequency and characteristics of affixes found in children's books. The team argues for the consideration of morphology in the development of Filipino language and literacy assessments.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Structural properties of child-directed print corpus in Kannada: Implications for child language assessments
Day 1 | Duration: 18:39 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Kannada, TalkTogether
Speakers: Shivani Tiwari, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Description: The TalkTogether team presents its analysis of the Kannada child-directed print corpus through the description of word tokens by their structural and morphological properties, including affixes. Implications on the selection of items for Kannada language and literacy assessments based on children's books are considered.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Morphology and the development of orthography-meaning links: A large scale corpus study of children's books
Day 1 | Duration: 24:05 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Nicola Dawson, University of Oxford
Description: This panel talk presents the analysis of morphologically complex words in the Oxford Children's Corpus, a large-scale collection of children's reading materials in English, and examines how their occurrence varies by target age and genre. The talk considers the potential of corpus data as a research tool and to inform reading experiments.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

The development of complex syntax in children's reading and writing
Day 2 | Duration: 14:02 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Yaling Hsiao, University of Oxford
Description: The talk covers two studies that examine the complexity of word and sentence structures in texts written for and by children across multiple English corpora including the CHILDES, a self-compiled picture book corpus, the Oxford Children's Corpus, and BBC 500 Words Competition, and identifies variations between books and child-directed speech.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Children's acquisition of symmetrical voice language: Evidence from comprehension and production experiments in Tagalog
Day 2 | Duration: 18:36 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Corpus Building & Analysis, Behavioural Research, Filipino
Speaker: Rowena Garcia, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen
Description: The talk presents a series of studies that examined how Filipino children acquire the ability to mark who did what to whom in sentences, i.e., thematic role assignment. Studies include a speech corpus analysis, eyetracking experiment, and a sentence completion experiment and potential developmental patterns are presented.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Which word properties are related to age-of-acquisition ratings in Kannada and Filipino?
Day 2 | Duration: 10:11 | Tags: Morphosyntax, Behavioural Research, Kannada, Filipino, TalkTogether
Speakers: Katrina May Dulay, University of Oxford; Deekshitha Kotian, The Promise Foundation; Margaret Mary Rosary Carmel Fua & Marie Grace Reoperez, University of the Philippines
Description: How can age-of-acquisition studies provide a window to understand the course of children's language development? The TalkTogether team shares key ideas and design features of its age-of-acquisition studies in Kannada and Filipino, as well as linguistic and practical challenges faced in word selection and study implementation.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Theory & Discussion
BETWEEN SESSIONS: What understudied languages could offer to literacy theory & assessment
Day 1 | Duration: 3:58 | Tags: Theory & Discussion
Speakers: Sonali Nag, University of Oxford; Portia Padilla, University of the Philippines; Rauno Parrila, Macquarie University
Description: During an interval between talks, there was a brief discussion about the potential for language and literacy research and assessment in understudied languages to go beyond dominant Anglocentric models.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

DISCUSSANT REMARKS: On building theoretical models beyond English
Day 1 | Duration: 18:10 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Corpus Building & Analysis
Speaker: Rauno Parrila, Macquarie University
Description: Discussant Rauno Parrila delivers key points related to the Day 1 presentations; namely: what crosslinguistic studies offer for research in reading development, what materials corpora should be based on, the differences between oral and written language, and issues of theorising about morphology and reading and how to communicate this effectively to the research field.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Writing vs. Speaking: How production goals influence language, with implications for corpus analysis
Day 2 | Duration: 27:35 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Maryellen MacDonald, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Description: This panel presentation addresses how the goals of producing speech and text differ, thereby resulting in differences between child-directed text and speech, discusses what children can learn systematically from texts, and considers implications for corpus analyses.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Learning, processing and reading development: lessons and explorations from corpus explorations
Day 2 | Duration: 26:04 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Corpus Building & Analysis, English
Speaker: Kate Nation, University of Oxford
Description: This panel presentation describes what reading experience provides and the mechanisms that drive children's learning, how book language compares with language encountered in everyday speech, and how word learning is shaped by opportunities to encounter words in a variety of contexts.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

DISCUSSION: Are oral and written language really different?
Day 2 | Duration: 9:31 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure
Speakers: Elena Lieven, University of Manchester; Maryellen MacDonald, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kate Nation, University of Oxford
Description: Discussant Elena Lieven reflects on Day 2 talks and argues that there is no total separation between reading and oral language, recommends the use of intervention studies to test proposed mechanisms of language learning, and invites a consideration of broader contexts and children's socialization into reading. Panelists Maryellen MacDonald and Kate Nation concur with the points raised and offer further reflections.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

Q&A: On emotion language, lexical quality, and the modality of text experience
Day 2 | Duration: 9:31 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure
Speakers: Elena Lieven, University of Manchester; Maryellen MacDonald, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kate Nation, University of Oxford; Jelena Mirkovic, York St. John University
Description: Discussant Elena Lieven and panelists Maryellen MacDonald and Kate Nation address audience questions about how emotions are conveyed in language, the quality of word representations when word forms vary, and the benefits of audiobooks over podcasts in terms of the quality of language experience.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

DISCUSSANT TALK: Reading in social context and the notion of "place"
Day 3 | Duration: 13:56 | Tags: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure, Behavioural Research, English
Speaker: Shelley Stagg Peterson, University of Toronto
Description: Discussant Shelley Stagg Peterson pinpoints a shared theme of "place" across Day 3 talks before introducing the NOW Play Project, which involves working with teachers in rural and indigenous classrooms in Canada to understand children's language in the context of play.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert:

More on "place", going beyond words, and collaborating with teachers
Day 3 | Duration: 13:28 | Topics: Theory & Discussion, Language & Print Exposure
Speakers: Shelley Stagg Peterson, University of Toronto; Jocelyn Marzan, Portia Padilla, & Dina Ocampo, University of the Philippines; Shriya Kuchibhotla, The Promise Foundation
Description: Following Shelley Stagg Peterson's discussant presentation, roundtable attendees reflect on the contexts of linguistic interactions, its non-verbal aspects, its connections with identity and community, and the experience of working with teachers as research collaborators.
Technical Level According to a Non-Expert: